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 #912182  por Pandilla
en Rosario

Liberan a un músico detenido en la casa de un líder narco

Fue excarcelado ayer bajo fianza el músico Matías Orsi, de 28 años, detenido hace un mes y medio en un operativo antidroga realizado en la casa de un presunto narco en Rosario, y cuya familia aseguraba que estaba preso "por error". El presunto narco está prófugo: es Ignacio Actis Caporale, alias "Ojito", que está mencionado en la causa en la que se investiga al ex jefe de la policía Hugo Tognoli.
en córdoba

Detenido en el aeropuerto con 15 kg de cocaína líquida

Un ciudadano israelí fue detenido en el aeropuerto de Córdoba al ser sorprendido con 15 kilos de cocaína líquida impregnada en prendas de vestir que llevaba en su valija de mano, informaron fuentes de la Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP). La detención se concretó ayer cuando el hombre hizo una escala en un vuelo procedente de Perú y de camino a Europa.
 #913640  por feragus
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Women come in different sizes and there are dresses available for all body types. The internet would be a perfect place to shop for your own evening wear. This is because you get to compare sizes and designs and choose one that suits your needs.. What was the funniest/coolest/weirdest (or worst!) incident to happen behind the scenes? Getting to meet and stay in touch with Guy Fieri. He is the real deal. How did being on FNS affect your culinary career? It took me to a completely new level.

When cash is tight, business leaders may need to get creative to attract, retain, support and fully engage key employees. Organizations have often handled requests for flexible work options on a case-by-case basis, with no formality to the process. Managing employees based on performance results, and allowing them to propose and manage their own Cheap Prom Dress flexible work programs, can ease the burden that is placed on business leaders to control these arrangements and satisfy the work/life balance that many employees are seeking..

Embroidery and digital services are available for all uniforms ordered from All Uniform Wear so that company names, logos, and employee names can be added to any uniform. So for example, if youre on the clock for a company or project you will need to . The best-selling feature of this software is the ability to ou .

If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use..

Modern analysis of his music has shown that the golden ratio can be found in the division between the two sections in almost all of his works, where the Exposition is the shorter section. Yet we reach a problem when we analyse all of Mozart's pieces that were in this form, as - while many of them come as close to the golden ratio as it is possible to be in whole numbers - some of them deviate from this hugely. This means we can never be sure whether Mozart - who enjoyed and respected mathematics - used the golden ratio consciously, or if he just did what 'sounded right' and it just happened to fit into the pattern we are looking for..

At around six weeks you will probably notice two changes which indicate that your puppy is ready for a full regimen of BARF raw dog food. First, The mother will begin to regurgitate her own food. She does this for the puppies to eat as a way of weaning them onto solid foods.

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Tanto spam de Pandilla, tanto spam de Pandilla y acá tienen, Furriol, Moderador, Jeanvaljean y todos los que defienden al no letrado; se metió un virus o algo similar. Ahora a sacarlo y a suprimir a Pandilla/dr. Neurus/Doctora Chicha para que no ponga más enlaces y esto vuelva a ser un foro jurídico de y para abogados.
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